After the draw at the "Liguori", Mister Toscano observes: "Catania played the game it had to play on this difficult and narrow field. Restoring morale after Sunday's match was not easy, but the boys did well. Until the expulsion, the team had the right attitude, played 'dirty' when needed, passed the ball when they had to, then rightfully took the lead. It took a bit more courage to bring home the victory, and that was the intention with the substitution of Stoppa. I was interested in seeing the attitude and reaction after the Latina match. The incidents? We are not getting them on our side, and we are not even lucky with the refereeing decisions. We must keep working; it's a difficult time for the team, especially in terms of numbers, but we have always found solutions and will find them again. Recoveries? We will see tomorrow how De Rose's recovery is going; I think we will have Lunetta for next week. D'Andrea had a large bruise on his side, and if it doesn't absorb, you don't know when he will be back on the field. When you start from scratch and rebuild everything to create a new group and a new identity, and you face the difficulties we have had during this process, there comes a moment when you pay the price for it, but the boys are not giving up and want to keep going and stay focused. That's what I like to see from the team: the courage to face negative moments, not hiding behind excuses or justifications, always trying to find solutions and moving forward game after game. We will see where this Catania will end up."